Tag archieven: Groeten Uit Grollo

Cuby + Blizzards – Groeten Uit Grollo






Cuby + Blizzards - Groeten Uit Grollo


Mijn historie

Cuby heb ik pas later ontdekt. Herman Brood was al lang geen hype meer en zo af en toe hoorde ik een nummer van Cuby + Blizzards op de radio. Het bleek allemaal goeie muziek te zijn. Nederlandse blues die niet onderdoet voor de Amerikaanse grootheden. Het is nog steeds bijzonder.

Score: ******* **

Blues dus, maar geen stijl na-aperij, hele goede songs met een eigen karakter, waarvan het rock sausje wel het verschil maakt. De combinatie gitaar - piano is heerlijk en de zang dito.

Top 40

Wat ik niet wist is dat Cuby ook hitnoteringen heeft gehad. "Another Day, Another Road" was er dus een van en niet vanwege een gebrek aan concurrentie.

1967 op Wikipedia


- The Rolling Stones appear on The Ed Sullivan Show. At Ed Sullivan's request, the band change the lyrics of "Let's Spend the Night Together" to "Let's spend some time together"

- Beatles manager Brian Epstein was found dead in his locked bedroom

Jim Morrison and The Doors defy CBS censors on The Ed Sullivan Show, when Morrison sings the word "higher" from their #1 hit Light My Fire, despite having been asked not to

- British police raid 'Redlands', the Sussex home of Keith Richards in the early hours of the morning following a tip-off about a party from the News of the World; although no arrests are made at the time, Richards, Mick Jagger and art dealer Robert Fraser are subsequently charged with possession of drugs.

- The Who perform their first concert in the United States, in New York.

- In the United States, Capitol Records pulls the plug on the Beach Boys' mysterious Smile project. Brian Wilson, who had taken more than a year to compose and produce the album, could not bring himself to finish it.

- Pink Floyd stage the first ever rock concert with quadraphonic sound at Queen Elizabeth HallEngland

- The debut album of The Jimi Hendrix ExperienceAre You Experienced is released in the UK.

- Paul McCartney meets American photographer Linda Eastman at a club called "Bag O' Nails".

- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles is released in Mono and Stereo LPs.

- The Monterey Pop Festival, the world's first large scale outdoor rock music festival, is held in Monterey, California. Stars include the Who, Simon and Garfunkel, Eric Burdon & The Animals, The Byrds, The Association, Jefferson Airplane, Big Brother and The Holding Company with Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix. Otis and the MG's take the stage at 1:00 am after Jefferson Airplane and bring down the house; 55,000 are in attendance. Ravi Shankar is among the performers at the festival.

- The Marine Broadcasting Offences Act becomes law in the United Kingdom, and most offshore radio stations (including Wonderful Radio London) have already closed down. Only Radio CarolineNorth & South on 259 would continue. As Radio Caroline International.

- The Doors appear on The Ed Sullivan Show and perform "Light My Fire". Despite having agreed to Sullivan's request that the line "Girl we couldn't get much higher" be changed for the show, Jim Morrison performs it the way it was written and The Doors are banned from the show.

- The Who destroy their instruments during a performance on The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. Keith Moon's exploding drum kit injures Pete Townshend.

- The first issue of Rolling Stone rolls off the press at about 5:30pm, with a cover dated November 9 and featuring a photo of John Lennon in the film How I Won the War. The original inspiration for the magazine was Bomp! magazine based in California, which preceded the existence of Rolling Stone.

- During a performance at the New Haven Arena in New Haven, ConnecticutJim Morrison of The Doors becomes the first singer to be arrested on stage, having earlier been sprayed with a can of mace. He was charged with inciting a riot, indecency and public obscenity. The charges are dropped several weeks later due to a lack of evidence.

- Respect is recorded by Aretha Franklin

- Thirty-nine people, including singer-activist Joan Baez, are arrested in Oakland, California, for blocking the entrance of that city's military induction center

- The musical Hair opens off-Broadway. It moves to Broadway the following April

- The Beatles release Magical Mystery Tour in the U.S. as a full album. The songs added to the original six songs on the double EP include All You Need Is Love, Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields Forever, Baby, You're a Rich Man and Hello, Goodbye. Release as a double EP will not take place in the UK until December

Weergaven: 24
